Project & Event Management


Since 2018, I have been working as a Project, Event, and Community Manager at the non-profit organization #FemDevsMeetup. We are a steadily growing community of international game developers and related media professionals. Our goal is to provide a platform for marginalized groups in the gaming industry and connect them with each other. To achieve this, we host recurring free events such as informative talks, networking meetups, or our annual #FemDevsMeetup Game Jam. Additionally, we regularly offer portfolio reviews and department-specific meetups to facilitate career starts for newcomers. Our events take place either physically in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, or Berlin, or online on our Discord server.

My focus at #FemDevsMeetup, in addition to online community management, is primarily on our Game Jam. Every year, we invite 30-50 developers to collaborate in groups of 3-5 people to develop a game based on a specific theme within 48 hours. At the end of the Game Jam, we showcase the resulting projects in a livestream. In the past, I have co-organized Game Jams both onsite, online, or as hybrid events.

In 2023, our organization was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the German Computer Games Award.

Foto: heynaalayna | Instagram


In 2022, I co-founded the non-profit organization GAME:IN. We are a community of individuals and companies dedicated to combating sexism within the German gaming industry. With our solution-oriented approach, we aim to create a safer space for individuals within the German-speaking industry and draw attention to current issues and potential solutions.

Our manifesto is at the heart of our work. Companies can sign it after thorough examination by GAME:IN to pledge their commitment to our values and actively implement and promote them. Additionally, we have established a database of speakers to ensure a more diverse lineup at informative events related to gaming. Furthermore, we organize speaker events, panels, and networking meetups ourselves. Our specially crafted Safer Space Policy and Safer Space Guide can be utilized by organizers and companies to make their events and community spaces safer. Since 2024, we have also been a registered association. GAME:IN does not specifically focus on game development but encompasses all areas within the German gaming industry, including marketing, journalism, content creation, etc.

At GAME:IN, my responsibilities primarily lie in event management, communication, and the maintenance of our Discord server and its associated community.

In 2023, GAME:IN was awarded with the Heart of Gaming Award at gamescom.

Foto: Mediennetzwerk.NRW

Let’s work together

Do you have an event space you'd like to provide us with, or are you interested in sponsoring us? Feel free to visit the websites of the respective organizations or contact me via email.